Saturday 25 May 2013


Our problems in education are manifold. The top most issue is with the intention. Parents intend to get their children educated so they can earn better and live a respectable life. Schools intend to gauge their success through the board results and the extent to which parents throng for admissions. Curriculum experts intend to measure the effectiveness of the curriculum by its capacity to cater to the needs of the future corporate world. Educationists are trying to identify the skill set that is required to survive in the future’s economy. Education is serving as an instrument to support the corporate culture, consumerism and capitalist economy. For individuals the matter of satisfaction is that they are getting everything what they want and improving their quality of life through education. For institutions, the matter of satisfaction is that their students are serving one of the best corporate companies on high positions with the best of their abilities. And in the entire business of education, where is the reason for which man is created?

Salman Asif Siddiqui



  1. Do the student need to be told this? or the parent? or teacher? or employer? That is the question.
    Rehan Muzamil Butt MAJU Faculty

  2. Just today Sir Salman told the PTCCIAN in the class and I am here.
    Simply Great!!!!

  3. Very comprehensive and thought provoking
